That Was Weird Hey, I Thought
We Were In Georgia Now and then,
you may get the feeling that you've left Georgia.
But fear not...

In Elbert County, Georgia,
a large set of granite slabs stand alone the middle of a field.
They announce ten rules for the "Age of Reason," in
eight different languages.
The Georgia Guidestones were
established by a mysterious group that has never come forward
to identify themselves publicly. All records were recorded under
a pseudonym, and are not public.
Sprechen Sie Deutsches?
In the north
Georgia mountains, there is a town where people don't look twice
at a man walking down the street wearing lederhosen. Okay, they'll
look twice, but they won't find it odd or strange. It's part of
the aura of Helen, Georgia. This quaint Bavarian village in the
mountains is host to millions of visitors each year.


Helen hosts a two month long
Oktoberfest. In December, it is a perfect setting to get you in
the mood for Christmas. Make sure to visit when the flowers are
blooming in the Spring, or the leaves are changing in the fall.
Heck, visit year round. It's a great place.
Love New York, er, North Georgia |
If you can't make it to New
York City, you can still visit The Statue of Liberty without having
to hop a ferry. This replica of Lady Liberty stands in front of
the old Fannin County Courthouse in Blue Ridge.
She supports a large street
lamp because nights in the Georgia mountains are darker than they
are in New York City.


Miss the Big Apple? Visit
Cornelia in Habersham. They have the real thing... a Big Red Apple
statue. The Apple is honored by the town's annual Big Apple Festival.
The Grand
Canyon (of south Georgia)

In the 1800s, new settlers
to the area began farming the land. Erosion soon took over and
gullies began to develop. As the years passed, the erosion grew
worse. Today, the canyon continues to erode and change, although
trees and brush have helped slow it some.
If you can't
make it to Arizona, Providence Canyon in Stewart County, Georgia,
will let you get that Grand Canyon experience on a much smaller
scale. While the one
out west took millions of years to create, Georgia's Little Grand
Canyon took a quicker approach to the process.

Pennsylvania Avenue
3687 Briarcliff Road

You'll wonder if you took
a wrong turn and ended up in Washington D.C. as your drive down
Briarcliff Road in Atlanta and see a very familiar residence.
Atlanta's White House is
slightly scaled replica of the famous one on Pennsylvania Avenue.
It is the home of Iranian-born Fred Milani. The home is a private
residence, so please do not enter the gates.
Old West"
Not only do you feel as if
you're in another state, you may also feel like you've gone back
in time.

In Cartersville, Georgia,
those with a hankering to visit the Old West can visit
the Booth Museum of Western Art. Booth is the focal point of Bartow
County's month-long "Cowboy and Indian Days" each October.
(Among the month's events include the Southeastern Cowboy Symposium.)
So if you're in Cartersville
this October, and you see Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp sitting
by you at the 4-Way Lunch, just tip your hat, and don't make any
quick moves. They're pretty quick on the draw.
Rock City? You're half right.
For decades, the phrase "See
Rock City" was one of the South's best known ad slogans.
Along every highway and byway in the Deep South, you were bound
to see a reminder to "See Rock City," usually painted
on the roof of a barn.
Rock City is located on Lookout
Mountain, along the Georgia-Tennessee line. During the Civil War,
Lookout Mountain was the site of the "Battle Above the Clouds."
In the 20th Century, it became known as a tourist attraction for
fans of strange rock formations, underground waterfalls, and neighborhoods
named after fairy folklore. Often associated with Chattanooga,
Rock City is located in Georgia.
Although KISS made the name
Rock City famous in their song "Detroit Rock City,"
there is no connection between the band and Georgia's Rock City...
unless Gene Simmons is dressed as a gnome and sitting on the 1,000
ton balanced boulder.
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